Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tips to help you pass the exams

The obstacle to exams is one of the most important concerns of many students at all levels of school, where fear and anxiety dominate them during this period. How will we accomplish this much study? How will I remember this much information? Will it be enough time for me to finish and save the material? And other questions that are on their minds.

We offer you a set of tips that can help you overcome this obstacle in an easy and accessible way.

1- Write down what you write in the form of notes and make a set of plans (mental plans).

This process helps you to store information well and helps the plans to quickly and easily understand and understand the material.

2- Take care of your food style.

You should eat foods that help you improve your ability to study and focus (such as vegetables, fruits, nuts ... etc.) and stay away from soft drinks and do not eat more caffeine drinks.

3- Practice some sports and breathe fresh air.

Oxygen helps stimulate your mind better, and studies have proven that breathing fresh air or fresh-smelling roses has a role in calming students and reducing anxiety and stress before exams.

4- Make what you teach thanks a story.

This would assist you in transferring information to make it meaningful and meaningful, helping the mind to recall information in an enjoyable and accessible way.

5- Review what you studied before bed.

Where studies have proven that a little study before bed helps the mind in storing it, and upon waking up from sleep you will find that you can remember it quickly.

6- Change your place of study.

Some specialists advise to change places continuously when studying because of its role in stimulating the mind to create new connections for the material that you are studying.

7- Take a break.

This helps your productivity better and stimulates your mind.

Kea Heng Author: Kea Heng

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